The Qld HD & HR Holden Club invite the owners of Holdens built between 1965 and 1967 (HD & HR) to NATS2025 in Stanthorpe, QLD between 6-8 June 2025.
The Nationals is a 3-day event held every year in different towns around Australia and brings together some of the finest examples of Iron Lions that you’ll ever see. It’s a great place to meet other chrome-bar owners and make contacts and friends that will last a lifetime.
Judged or unjudged, categories include Original Restored & Unrestored, Era Sports, Modified & Highly Modified, Rusty Relic/True Survivor and, for the first time in 2025, Modified incl. Rat Rod.
You can learn all about the NATS and sign-up online through our dedicated website - nats2025.com.au - or email [email protected] for details.