This year will also see INCREASED PRIZE POOL and REDUCED CAMPING FEES amongst other IMPROVEMENTS to our Ingham Event. Events include, Go To Whoa, Spear A Spud, Dyno Shootout, Show N Shine, Autokana and everyone's favorite, the mighty Burnout Competition. If you would like information on becoming an Event Partner, simply send us your contact details to INGHAM Autofest is open to everything automotive from Cars, Trucks, Bikes in fact anything that has wheels is welcomed to join in on all the fun and with the theme of a Family Friendly Motoring Festival. INGHAM AUTOFEST Events will include, Grab A Flag, Dyno Shootout, Indoor/Outdo Show N Shine, Autokana and everyone's favorite, the Mighty Burnout Comp. Entry forms are available from the entry form tab at the top of this page or you can contact us on 0417 511557 or via email So start your planning now by securing your accommodation and let all your other friends know about this fantastic event. Email; Mobile 0417 51157 during hours