Entries open for 2015 Bay to Birdwood Classic
Held every two years, the 'Classic' is open to vehicles manufactured from 1956 through to 31st December 1978, and welcomes motorcycles, as well as cars.
The Bay to Birdwood Classic will start at Adelaide Shores, Barratt Reserve, West Beach with some 4,000 people expected to enjoy breakfast with the entrants. The vehicles will then be waved off by Australia's legendary motorsport flag waver, Glen Dix.
With around 70,000 spectators expected to line the 70 kilometre route, this year's Classic will take the same route as last year's successful Bay to Birdwood Run - around the Adelaide CBD, up North East Road, Grand Junction Road and heading up to Houghton and back through Inglewood and Gumeracha, finishing at its home of 35 years - the National Motor Museum in Birdwood.
Entries have been available to download atwww.baytobirdwood.com.ausince 9 June, and are limited to 1,750 vehicles total. Entries close 8 August, 2015. (entrants in the 2011 and 2013 Classic will receive entry forms in the mail).
See the website for further details, or call the National Motor Museum on (08) 8568 4022.